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Zoltan Molnos Art Gallery - Zoltan Molnos Artworks

Zoltan Molnos Art Gallery - Zoltan Molnos Artworks

"It is now more than 80 years since the surrealism, in a smoky Parisian café, was officially born, After long decades of peak and slow agony, when the world was still celebrating its most famous master, Salvador Dali, far from the French and Spanish lands, in a small Transylvanian town, inhabited by hard-working people of Hungarian minority, the sur"

Zoltan Molnos
Zoltan Molnos
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Added December 7 2012
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It is now more than 80 years since the surrealism, in a smoky Parisian café, was officially born, After long decades of peak and slow agony, when the world was still celebrating its most famous master, Salvador Dali, far from the French and Spanish lands, in a small Transylvanian town, inhabited by hard-working people of Hungarian minority, the surrealism had its second birth on the canvas of a that time unknown young painter, Zoltán Molnos. It might seem curious that the surrealism, the most spectacular limb of the avant-garde movement, which had its philosophy in protesting against the inhumanity of the “civilized” world, had its renaissance in a city from Romania. But is that really curious? Is not it rather predestined that this artistic ism that fights against any kind of dictatorship was reborn in a country where one could have been jailed only for speaking about his thoughts? Zoltán Molnos used the surrealism as a tool to present, sometimes in a grotesque mood the unspeakable thoughts, the fears of the suffocating everyday life of these sombre years. At that time, to expose these paintings was politically as risky as speaking out the truth.

In the eighties Zoltán Molnos became famous in his country as “Transylvanian Dali”. Since the nineties his notoriety and his paintings crossed more and more the border, works of his until now oeuvre can be found in Hungary, Germany, Austria, Sweden, Israel, Canada, Australia. His paintings, beside his native town, Székelyudvarhely has been exhibited in Csíkszereda, Bucharest, Budapest, Tallin, Tartu, Stockholm so far.

Zoltán Molnos of nowadays remained basically a surrealist painter, and at the same time more than that: since the collapse of the communism the protesting is not the main driving power of his works anymore, but the permanent seek after a harmony of beauty, eroticism and irony, the harmony that we desire about, or at least want to desire throughout all of our life.
The past, as an answer to the present could have never happened in Zoltan Molnos’ life and art. Linearity could have never permitted that. With this I do admit that what I believe now to be a recognized force in Eastern European plastic arts is nothing unexpected. As a teenager at age 17, Zoli has had his first (Sui generis) individual art exhibition. In 1979 that was an almost unheard of accomplishment. Masters like Maszelka János Sr. and Székely József thought at that time that he is an artist to be aware of: in the dogged days of the Ceausescu regime’s height, we could see a young man, who interpreted the world around him filtering it through a fine artistic sieve. Linearity comes into the picture, by allowing form to pull in a drawing stile that is technically perfect. And what is wrong with perfect? In today’s artistic styles form and drawing and time valued know-how could be replaced with philosophy and theories. In Zoltan Molnos’ art style suggests a philosophy and no need of theories. The fine sieve that he filters reality through is nothing less than surrealism. In his words: „surrealism is more real than reality itself.” I have not seen Zoli for quarter of a century: lived and worked on the other side of the Earth in Canada. When we met up upon my return, I was amazed seeing the body of work he amassed since that first exhibition. Seeing the canvasses the first idea I had, that linearity presumed the place that he should be at. The Transylvanian Dali is at the peak of his self expression. His paintings lean upon a great and calm technical prowess and he lets style dictate the new, that every art needs for existence. My second thought was that finally in Seklerland we have this value of the greatness he represents. Our greatest writer, Tamasi Aron is not known in the rest of the world quite as we know him. They say that is because he wrote about us in a language that is understood only by us. I confidently offer Zoltan Molnos’ art to anyone. He achieved the equilibrium in style, theme and self expression.
And that is nothing linear.


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[Biography - Zoltan Molnos - 8Ko]

  - Cela fait maintenant plus de 80 ans depuis le surréalisme, dans un café enfumé parisien, est officiellement né, après de longues décennies d'agonie de pointe et lent, quand le monde était encore célèbre son maître le plus célèbre, Salvador Dali, loin du français et espagnol terres, dans une petite ville de Transylvanie, habité par des gens qui trav...
[Biography - Zoltan Molnos - 14Ko - 2012]

  - それは、世界はまだ遠いフランス語とスペインから、その最も有名なマスター、サルバドール· ダリを祝っていたときに、ピークと遅い苦痛の長い十年後、正式に誕生した、スモーキーなパリのカフェで、シュールレアリズム以来今や80年以上である 土地は、トランシルヴァニアの小さな町で、ハンガリーの少数民族の勤勉な人々が住んで、シュールレアリズムは、当時未知の若い画家、ゾルタンのMolnosのキャンバス上での第二の誕生を持っていた。 それは、シュールレアリズム、 "文明化された"世界の非人道性に抗議しにその哲学を持っていた前衛的な運動の最も壮観な四肢は、ルーマニアの都市で、そのルネッサンスを持っていた好奇心旺盛に見えるかもしれません。 しかし、それは本当に好奇心が強いですか? それはむしろ独裁のあ...
[Biography - Zoltan Molnos - 10Ko - 2012]

  - é agora mais de 80 anos desde o surrealismo, em um café enfumaçado parisiense, nasceu oficialmente, Depois de longas décadas de agonia lenta de pico e, quando o mundo ainda estava comemorando o seu mais famoso mestre, Salvador Dali, longe do Francês e Espanhol terras, em uma pequena cidade da Transilvânia, habitado por pessoas trabalhadoras da mino...
[Biography - Zoltan Molnos - 13Ko - 2012]

  - 現在是80歲以上的超現實主義以來,在煙霧瀰漫的巴黎咖啡館,正式誕生,經過長達幾十年的高峰期和緩慢的痛苦,當世界還在慶祝其最有名的大師薩爾瓦多· 達利(Salvador Dali),遠從法國和西班牙的 特蘭西瓦尼亞在一個小城鎮,土地,辛勤工作的人的匈牙利少數民族居住的,超現實主義有它的第二個出生在畫布上那不知名的年輕畫家,佐爾坦Molnos。 這可能似乎奇怪的是,超現實主義,前衛的運動​​,它有它的哲學,抗議不人道的“文明”的世界上最壯觀的肢體,在羅馬尼亞一個城市的復興。 但是,這是真的好奇嗎? 是不是這個藝術主義對抗任何形式的獨裁的國家,可能被關進監獄,只說他的想法獲得了重生,而注定? ,佐爾坦Molnos使用的超現實主義的工具存在,有時在一個怪誕的心情難以言喻的想法,恐懼的這些...
[Biography - Zoltan Molnos - 10Ko - 2012]

  - В настоящее время более чем 80 лет с момента сюрреализма, в дымном парижских кафе, была официально родился, после долгих десятилетий пик и медленной агонии, когда мир был еще празднуют свой самый известный мастер, Сальвадор Дали, недалеко от французского и испанского земель, в небольшом городке трансильванских, населенный трудолюбивым народом венге...
[Biography - Zoltan Molnos - 12Ko - 2012]

  - Hace ya más de 80 años desde que el surrealismo, en un café parisino lleno de humo, nació oficialmente, después de largas décadas de agonía lenta y pico, cuando el mundo todavía estaba celebrando su maestro más famoso, Salvador Dalí, lejos de los franceses y españoles tierras, en una pequeña ciudad de Transilvania, habitada por gente trabajadora de...
[Biography - Zoltan Molnos - 13Ko - 2012]

  - E 'ormai più di 80 anni da quando il surrealismo, in un bar fumoso parigino, nacque ufficialmente, dopo lunghi decenni di agonia picco e lenta, quando il mondo era ancora in festa per il suo padrone più famoso, Salvador Dali, lontano dal francese e spagnolo terre, in una piccola città della Transilvania, abitata da laboriosa gente di minoranza ungh...
[Biography - Zoltan Molnos - 13Ko - 2012]

  - Es ist nun mehr als 80 Jahre seit dem Surrealismus, in einem verrauchten Pariser Café, war offiziell geboren, Nach langen Jahrzehnten der Spitze und langsamen Agonie, als die Welt noch feiert seinen berühmtesten Meister, Salvador Dali, weit von der Französisch und Spanisch Länder, in einem kleinen siebenbürgischen Stadt, bewohnt von hart arbeitende...
[Biography - Zoltan Molnos - 13Ko - 2012]