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Ramont Patrick Art Gallery - Ramont Patrick Artworks

Ramont Patrick Art Gallery - Ramont Patrick Artworks

"The human figure is mostly absent in his work. He considers man as a species that pollutes and destroys nature. Ramont’s perception of nature is a solitary experience. His great masters are Rembrandt and Vermeer. He admires the magistral use of light in their oeuvre. And in his view also Van Gogh’s world of colours is unequalled. Ramont is an artis"

Ramont Patrick
Ramont Patrick
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Added January 22 2013
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The human figure is mostly absent in his work. He considers man as a species that pollutes and destroys nature. Ramont’s perception of nature is a solitary experience.

His great masters are Rembrandt and Vermeer. He admires the magistral use of light in their oeuvre. And in his view also Van Gogh’s world of colours is unequalled. Ramont is an artist who feels the energy and the passion within his soul.

Gerda Bulens, 2009
An impression by Anne-Marie POLLET (†), art historian

‘ … Ramont is an artist with an eye for structures and materials. With his sharp sense of observation he brings the diversity in our environment on canvas.
His skies are unlike other skyscapes. They are transparent and with their delicate degradation of colour they radiate quiet and meditation. His blues combined with purple, mauve, lilac, pink, red and orange are a delight for the eye. Also his dark and ominous marine paintings are attractive…’

‘… He is not only inspired by the North Sea. He also brings fantastic underwater scenes on canvas with mysterious ruins, wrecks and antique statues. On some of these paintings we find blood coral with a visible three-dimensional paint surface. Your eyes feel the deep red structure.
He is intrigued by foreign coasts with breakers dashing against the rocks… His marine paintings smell like beaches, breakwaters, shells, seaweeds. Seas can be calm, inconstant, destructive, threatening, stormy, unpredictable. Ramont is able to paint all these aspects of the sea.’

World Map

[Biography - Ramont Patrick - 7Ko]

  - ° 1960 - Gand Peintre Selfmade Un regard sur l'âme de l'artiste Ramont avait trois ans lorsque ses parents s'installent à Ostende. Cette proximité de la mer serait devenue vitale pour sa vie et d'une importance centrale dans son travail. La mer, les quais, la plage et les dunes est devenu son terrain de jeux. Gambade sur la plage, nager avec in...
[Biography - Ramont Patrick - 15Ko - 2013]

  - ° 1960 - ゲント 自作の画家 彼の両親はオステンドに移動したときに、アーティストの魂Ramontに見てみると3歳だった。 海のこの近さは、彼の人生と彼の作品の中心的な重要性の重要になるだろう。 海、桟橋、ビーチや砂丘は彼の遊び場となった。 彼の少年時代の黄金時代:釣り、東と西の橋脚間に無謀にも水泳、ビーチでふざける。 そして、すでにその後、描画。 自然の印象をキャプチャしたいという衝動はRamontのメモリから削除することはできません。 彫刻家ユベールMinneboは、プラスチック製の教育のための彼の中等学校の教師だった。 彼は間違いなく、画家のための絶対条件 "を見て"に彼を教えていました。 彼は若い船員としてベルギー海軍に参加し、ヨーロッパの海岸に沿って、ジブラルタル海峡を...
[Biography - Ramont Patrick - 11Ko - 2013]

  - ° 1960 - Ghent Pintor Selfmade Um olhar do artista alma Ramont tinha três anos quando seus pais se mudaram para Ostend. Esta proximidade do mar seria vital para a sua vida e de importância central em sua obra. O mar, o cais, a praia e as dunas se tornou seu playground. Brincando na praia, nadando de forma imprudente entre o Oriente eo Ocidente ...
[Biography - Ramont Patrick - 13Ko - 2013]

  - ° 1960 - 根特 自製的畫家 一看到藝術家的靈魂Ramont的是三歲時父母移居到奧斯坦德。 接近海將成為他的生活和他的工作至關重要的關鍵。 大海,碼頭,海灘和沙丘成為他的遊樂場。 嬉鬧的海灘上,游泳,硬拼之間的東,西碼頭,垂釣:他的少年時代的黃金時期。 和繪圖,已經。 的衝動,捕捉大自然的印象不能被刪除從Ramont的內存。 雕塑家休伯特Minnebo是他的中學老師,塑料教育。 他教他“看”,毫無疑問是畫家的絕對必要條件。 他加入了比利時作為一個年輕的水手和在公海上航行,沿著歐洲海岸,並通過直布羅陀海峽的海軍。 他的視網膜上的新圖像,新的靈感來源。 諾曼底和布列塔尼海岸的美已經烙在他的記憶,直到永遠。 Ramont不單單是畫精緻的港口和海洋。 他在畫布上,他的調色板,提出了一些奇...
[Biography - Ramont Patrick - 11Ko - 2013]

  - ° 1960 - Гент Selfmade художника Взгляд в душу художника Ramont было трех лет, когда его родители переехали в Остенде. Эта близость моря станет жизненно важным для его жизни и центральное значение в его работе. Море, причалов, пляж и дюны стала его игровая площадка. Romping на пляже, купание опрометчиво между Востоком и Западом пирсов, рыбалка:...
[Biography - Ramont Patrick - 13Ko - 2013]

  - ° 1960 - Gante Selfmade pintor Una mirada al alma Ramont el artista tenía tres años cuando sus padres se trasladaron a Ostende. Esta proximidad del mar se convirtió en vital para su vida y de importancia central en su obra. El mar, los muelles, la playa y las dunas se convirtió en su patio de recreo. Retozando en la playa, nadar imprudentemente...
[Biography - Ramont Patrick - 13Ko - 2013]

  - ° 1960 - Gand Selfmade pittore Uno sguardo dell'artista anima Ramont aveva tre anni quando i suoi genitori si trasferirono a Ostenda. Questa vicinanza con il mare sarebbe diventato di vitale importanza per la sua vita e di importanza centrale nel suo lavoro. Il mare, i moli, la spiaggia e le dune divenne il suo parco giochi. Romping sulla spiag...
[Biography - Ramont Patrick - 13Ko - 2013]

  - ° 1960 - Gent Selfmade Maler Ein Blick in die Seele des Künstlers Ramont war drei Jahre alt, als seine Eltern nach Ostende. Diese Nähe des Meeres würde für sein Leben und von zentraler Bedeutung für seine Arbeit wichtig. Das Meer, die Pfeiler, den Strand und die Dünen wurde sein Spielplatz. Toben am Strand, Schwimmen rücksichtslos zwischen Ost ...
[Biography - Ramont Patrick - 13Ko - 2013]