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Svetlana Kislyachenko Art Gallery - Svetlana Kislyachenko Artworks

Svetlana Kislyachenko Art Gallery - Svetlana Kislyachenko Artworks

"Painting Svetlana Kislyachenko. From? Who are we? And what force We spirit In the prison of the body Concluded Us, outlining the limits Being ...? We live on planet Earth, the planet of people. Meet and breaking up. Create a family, compose songs, paint pictures, preparing dinner. Hour after hour, day after day, in the human anthill warm by three s"

Svetlana Kislyachenko
Svetlana Kislyachenko
Artworks added the
Added April 2 2020
Added November 9 2012
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Artworks from 1 to 19 (on 19 total)


Mirror and I

Portrait with a stone cat

Mask clown

Old photo

Royal Flash

Cat playing poker-2


Clowns Sun

Clowns and Barbie










 Svetlana Kislyachenko Artist Painter Ukraine
Svetlana Kislyachenko Artist Painter Ukraine
[Page - Svetlana Kislyachenko - 2Ko - 2012]


Painting Svetlana Kislyachenko.
Who are we?
And what force
We spirit
In the prison of the body
Us, outlining the limits
Being ...?

We live on planet Earth, the planet of people. Meet and breaking up. Create a family, compose songs, paint pictures, preparing dinner.

Hour after hour, day after day, in the human anthill warm by three sides of each other out, sometimes encountering sharp elbows. And it is quite rare that a high starry sky dissolves vanity of the day, and night silence becomes shrill ringing, will seem no, loneliness, and some insurmountable separation, isolation, and self-sufficiency. The realization that each of us lives in his own world, every person-Universe.

And there are those of our personal universe as parallel worlds, almost crossing. But art in all its forms, art, painting, has an amazing, unique ability to make the impossible. Pave portals, bridges between the worlds, to make possible the process of interpenetration and spiritual enrichment to join the huge MegaVselennoy ceasing to be a lonely island of Cosmos.

Artist Svetlana Kislyachenko fully possesses an amazing gift to build bridges of understanding. With feminine softness and endearing credulity Svetlana opens the door and invites you on a journey through the country of vivid colors and amazing characters.
I first saw the pictures of Svetlana and her becoming a guest of the art world, I felt like Alice in "Wonderland."

Refined aesthetic creative manner, metaphors and weave associative series
are fascinating. So when it comes to creativity, Svetlana, I do not want to put on a mask of meticulous art. Paintings of the artist does not require analysis and penetration. I invite you to become not just a passive spectator, and to accept the invitation of the artist. Enter into the picture itself, to become part of it, to stand silent shadow in the corner, and, if possible, you will find that your own world shine another new, bright face, filled with magic and charm that we so generously, gives an amazing woman and talented artist Svetlana Kislyachenko.

Painter, essayist
Sergei Zalesov.



World Map

[Biography - Svetlana Kislyachenko - 9Ko]

  - Peinture Svetlana Kislyachenko. De? Qui sommes-nous? Et quelle force Nous l'esprit Dans la prison du corps Conclu Nous, en soulignant les limites être ...? Nous vivons sur la planète Terre, la planète de personnes. Rencontrez et les divisions. Créer une famille, composer des chansons, des photos de peinture, préparer le dîner. Heure après heure, jo...
[Biography - Svetlana Kislyachenko - 10Ko - 2012]

  - スヴェトラーナKislyachenkoを塗る。 から? 私たちは誰ですか? そして、どのような力 我々の精神 身体の刑務所で 締結 私達、限界を概説 ビーイング...? 私たちは、地球、人々の惑星に住んでいます。 出会い、別れ。 家族を作成し、夕食の準備を、曲、ペンキ絵を構成している。 時間時間後、翌日には、お互いの三方によるヒト蟻塚の暖かいで、時には鋭い肘に遭遇。 そして、それは高い星空が一日の虚栄心を溶かし、夜の静寂が甲高い呼び出し音になることは極めて稀である、いや、孤独、およびいくつか乗り越えられない分離、分離、および自給率を見えないのである。 私達のそれぞれが自分の世界に住んでいるという認識は、すべての人· ユニバース。 そして、私たちの個人的な宇宙のものはほとんど交差、...
[Biography - Svetlana Kislyachenko - 8Ko - 2012]

  - Pintura Svetlana Kislyachenko. De? Quem somos nós? E que força Nós espírito Na prisão do corpo Concluiu Nós, delineando os limites Ser ...? Nós vivemos no planeta Terra, o planeta de pessoas. Conhecer e quebrar-se. Criar uma família, compor músicas, fotos de pintura, preparar o jantar. Hora após hora, dia após dia, no quente formigueiro humano por ...
[Biography - Svetlana Kislyachenko - 10Ko - 2012]

  - 繪畫:斯韋特蘭娜Kislyachenko。 從? 我們是誰? 有什麼力量 我們本著 在監獄的身體 閉幕 我們列出的限制 是...? 我們生活在地球上,地球上的人。 見面和分手。 建立一個家庭,作畫,作曲,準備晚餐。 一小時又一小時,一天又一天,在人類的蟻丘由三個方面的相互溫暖,有時會遇到強硬。 ,這是很罕見的,一個高的星空溶解虛榮的一天,晚上沉默變得刺耳的鈴聲,似乎沒有,孤獨,和一些難以逾越的分離,隔離,自給自足。 實現我們每個人都生活在自己的世界,每個人的宇宙。 有我們個人的宇宙平行的世界,幾乎橫過馬路。 但是,藝術形式,藝術,繪畫,有一個驚人的,獨特的能力,使不可能的。 鋪路門戶網站,世界之間的橋樑,使可能出現的相互滲透和精神充實的過程中,加入龐大的MegaVselennoy不再是一個孤...
[Biography - Svetlana Kislyachenko - 8Ko - 2012]

  - Gemälde Svetlana Kislyachenko. Ab wann? Wer sind wir? Und welche Kraft Wir Geist In dem Gefängnis des Körpers Abgeschlossen Us, umreißt die Grenzen Being ...? Wir leben auf dem Planeten Erde, der Planet der Menschen. Treffen und Aufbrechen. Erstellen Sie eine Familie, komponieren, Bilder malen, bereitet das Abendessen. Stunde um Stunde, Tag für Tag...
[Biography - Svetlana Kislyachenko - 9Ko - 2012]

  - Pittura Svetlana Kislyachenko. Da quando? Chi siamo? E quale forza Noi spirito Nella prigione del corpo Concluso Noi, delineando i limiti Essere ...? Noi viviamo sul pianeta Terra, il pianeta delle persone. Incontrare e rottura. Creare una famiglia, comporre canzoni, immagini vernice, preparare la cena. Ora dopo ora, giorno dopo giorno, al caldo fo...
[Biography - Svetlana Kislyachenko - 9Ko - 2012]

  - Pintura Svetlana Kislyachenko. De? ¿Quiénes somos? ¿Y qué fuerza Nos espíritu En la prisión del cuerpo Concluido Nosotros, delineando los límites Ser ...? Vivimos en el planeta Tierra, el planeta de la gente. Conocé y rompiendo. Crear una familia, componer canciones, pintar cuadros, preparar la cena. Hora tras hora, día tras día, en la cálida hormi...
[Biography - Svetlana Kislyachenko - 9Ko - 2012]

  - Живопись Светланы Кисляченко. Откуда? Кто мы? И какая сила Нам дух В темницу тела Заключила Нам, очертив пределы Бытия ...? Мы живем на планете Земля, планете людей. Встречаемся и расстаемся. Создаем семьи, сочиняем песни, пишем картины, готовим обед. Час за часом, день за днем, в человеческом муравейнике тремся теплыми боками друг о дружку, иногда...
[Biography - Svetlana Kislyachenko - 9Ko - 2012]

Svetlana Kislyachenko's Guestbook

(Lidia, 30 December 2012)