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Maria Fedorova Art Gallery - Maria Fedorova Artworks

Maria Fedorova Art Gallery - Maria Fedorova Artworks

"Maria Fedorova known as the author of the series of paintings and drawings and conceptual stage costume. Her personality shaped painting, costume and scene. Maria Fedorova was born, lives and works in Moscow. Belongs to the dynasty known artists Osipov - Fedorov. Grandfather Alexander Osipov (1892-1981), mother - Tamara Osipova (1924-1989), the fat"

Maria Fedorova
Maria Fedorova
Artworks added the
Added September 18 2012
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Artworks from 1 to 20 (on 20 total)

Costumes "Khokhloma". 1997

Girls with braids. 1985.

Carousel "goat." 1984.

Elizabeth of England is committed Drake was knighted

Catherine II in mundirnom dress

Lomonosov M.V.

With doll Lefort. 1997

Silhouettes. Lace leaves. 1975

Soloist. 1980

Costumes Dymkovsky toys. Fashion Week. 1994

Gypsy with a bear. 1984

Blue Bird. 1994

Golden Bird Sirin. 1992

Bird of happiness. 1998

Puppet theater. Puppeteer. 1993. Private collection, USA

Winter walk. Baba. 1994. Private collection, USA

Winter walk. A guy with kids. 1994. Private collection, USA

General Batov







Maria Fedorova known as the author of the series of paintings and drawings and conceptual stage costume. Her personality shaped painting, costume and scene.

Maria Fedorova was born, lives and works in Moscow. Belongs to the dynasty known artists Osipov - Fedorov. Grandfather Alexander Osipov (1892-1981), mother - Tamara Osipova (1924-1989), the father-Vladislav Fedorov (1924-1993). Son - Daniel Fedorov, now also a famous artist.

From 1967 to 1977 he took lessons from the VV Tabor, a student KA Korovin, AE Arkhipova, RR Falk. In 1974 she graduated from the Faculty of Applied Arts Moscow Textile Institute with honors. Studied with FV Antonova, E. Grain, O. Chistyakov, TV Kozlova.

She graduated from the school number one in-depth study of English and faculty to improve language training Institute of Foreign Languages ​​named after Maurice Thorez.

The first creative work - at the age of five has done illustrations for the book the author's initiative KI Chukovsky "Byaka-Zakalyaka."

From 1974 to 1982 he worked in the country's House of clothes under VM Zaitsev, who was the curator of her senior project.

In 1978 he joined the Union of Artists. Since 1976, participated in Moscow, Russian and All-Union exhibitions of the Union of Artists, foreign and international - of more than 70 exhibitions.

Solo exhibitions were held in Moscow (1987, 1988, 1997), the Embassy of Mexico (1991), the Embassy of Italy (1997), Belgium (Brussels, 1995), Germany (Mülheim, 1995), the U.S. (Loveland, Colorado, 1994). Is the organizer and exhibitors dynasty Osipov-Fedorov in Moscow (1994, 1995, 1999) and the USA (1995, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2002).

Since 1978, creating the costumes for the musical art groups - the State Orchestra of the USSR under the leadership of Leonid Utesov (1978), the State Dance Ensemble of Russia led by Tamara Lukyanova (1980 to 1997), the ensemble "Russian Song" under the direction of Hope Babkin (since 1982 ). Costumes Maria Fedorova won wide recognition in Russia and many other countries.

Since 1994, the producer of projects promoting Russian art in the case of works of artistic dynasty Osipov-Fedorov and their circle of artists in Russia and abroad.

In 2000, Fedorova was awarded the title "Honored Artist of Russia."

Maria Fedorova works are in the collections of the Moscow Museum of Modern Art, the Tula Museum of Fine Arts, the Museum of the Bolshoi Theatre, the Museum of Musical Culture named after Glinka State Theatre Museum Bakhrushina World Ocean Museum in Kaliningrad, the Beijing Museum of Fine Arts, the Russian Cultural Center of the Russian Embassy in Washington, DC in corporate and private collections in Russia and abroad.

Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Arts.
Her works are on display at the State Tretyakov Gallery.




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[Biography - Maria Fedorova - 17Ko]

  - Maria Fedorova connu comme l'auteur de la série de peintures et de dessins et de costumes stade de la conception. Sa personnalité peinture en forme de costume et de la scène. Maria Fedorova est né, vit et travaille à Moscou. Appartient à la dynastie des artistes de renommée Osipov - Fedorov. Grand-père Alexandre Osipov (1892-1981), mère - Tamara Os...
[Biography - Maria Fedorova - 17Ko - 2012]

  - マリアフェドロワは絵画や図面や概念的なステージ衣装のシリーズの著者として知られている。 彼女の性格形絵画、衣装やシーン。 マリアフェドロワはモスクワに、生活と作品が生まれた。 フェドロフ - アーティストオシポフ既知の王朝に属しています。 祖父アレクサンダーオシポフ(1892-1981)、母親 - タマラOsipova(1924-1989)、父ウラジスラフフェドロフ(1924年から1993年)。 息子 - ダニエル· フェドロフ、今も有名なアーティスト。 1977年から1967年から彼はVVからレッスンを受けました ターボル、学生KA コロービン、AE Arkhipova、RR ファルク。 1974年に彼女は優等で応用美術モスクワ繊維研究所学部を卒業。 FVに師事 アントノヴァ、...
[Biography - Maria Fedorova - 15Ko - 2012]

  - Maria Fedorova conhecido como o autor da série de pinturas e desenhos e traje fase conceitual. Sua personalidade em forma de pintura traje, e cena. Maria Fedorova nasceu, vive e trabalha em Moscou. Pertence à dinastia conhecida artistas Osipov - Fedorov. Avô Alexander Osipov (1892-1981), mãe - Tamara Osipova (1924-1989), o pai-Fedorov Vladislav (19...
[Biography - Maria Fedorova - 17Ko - 2012]

  - 瑪麗亞· 費多羅娃被稱為作者的系列油畫和素描和概念的舞台服裝。 她的個性狀繪畫,服裝和場景。 瑪麗亞· 費多羅娃出生在莫斯科的生活和工作。 屬於的王朝著名藝術家奧西波夫 - 費奧多羅夫。 祖父亞歷山大· 奧西波夫(1892年至1981年),母親 - 塔瑪拉· 奧西波娃(1924年至1989年),父親弗拉季斯拉夫· 費奧多羅夫(1924年至1993年)。 兒子 - 丹尼爾· 費奧多羅夫,現在也是一個著名的藝術家。 從1967年到1977年,他花了教訓的VV 泰伯,學生KA 柯羅文,AE 阿爾希波娃,RR 法爾克。 在1974年,她從學院應用藝術莫斯科紡織學院以優異的成績畢業。 與FV研究 安東諾娃,E. 糧食,O. 奇斯佳...
[Biography - Maria Fedorova - 15Ko - 2012]

  - Maria Fedorova conocido como el autor de la serie de pinturas y dibujos y disfraces etapa conceptual. Su personalidad pintura en forma de traje, y la escena. Maria Fedorova nació, vive y trabaja en Moscú. Pertenece a la dinastía de los conocidos artistas Osipov - Fedorov. Abuelo Alexander Osipov (1892-1981), madre - Tamara Osipova (1924-1989), el p...
[Biography - Maria Fedorova - 17Ko - 2012]

  - Maria Fedorova conosciuto come l'autore di una serie di dipinti e disegni e costume fase concettuale. La sua personalità a forma di pittura, costumi e scene. Maria Fedorova è nata, vive e lavora a Mosca. Appartiene alla dinastia di artisti riconosciuti a Osipov - Fedorov. Nonno Alexander Osipov (1892-1981), madre - Tamara Osipova (1924-1989), il pa...
[Biography - Maria Fedorova - 17Ko - 2012]

  - Maria Fedorova als Autor der Serie von Gemälden und Zeichnungen und konzeptionelle Bühnenkostüm bekannt. Ihre Persönlichkeit geformt Malerei, Kostüm-und Szene. Maria Fedorova geboren, lebt und arbeitet in Moskau. Gehört zu der Dynastie bekannten Künstlern Osipov - Fedorov. Großvater Alexander Osipov (1892-1981), Mutter - Tamara Osipova (1924-1989),...
[Biography - Maria Fedorova - 17Ko - 2012]

  - Мария Федорова известна как автор серий живописных и графических работ и концептуального сценического костюма. Ее индивидуальность сформировали живопись, костюм и сцена. Мария Федорова родилась, живет и работает в Москве. Принадлежит к династии известных художников Осиповых - Федоровых. Дед -Александр Осипов (1892-1981), мать - Тамара Осипова (1924...
[Biography - Maria Fedorova - 15Ko - 2012]

Maria Fedorova's Guestbook

(Lidia, 30 December 2012)