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Artwork >> Steven Streight >> electro-telepathic

Artwork >> Steven Streight >> electro-telepathic

Steven Streight
digital paint - 12 Inches x 11 Inches
mental congruence of human-computer meshings enable my thou'ght to unite with your thought in an inner internet of uncontrollable meanderings toward justice and truth

Print 300 US$

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guestbook goostback ghostbloke gustbush goethebuck gonebus goosebud guessbook guess which book would be ideal for this art to be on the cover?
([From Guestbook], 28 November 2004)

 ART TREND: Backlash Against Banality--Buddhists With Bibles   A new trend in art is the return to "imponderables": the investigation of the unknown, the mysterious, the mystical, the immaterial, the theological, the spiritual. Artists and audiences are demanding joy rather than morbidity, visual pleasure rather than optical gloom, hope rather than despair, goodness rather than evil, compassion rather than hat