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The Artworks of Fernand Vastenaecken Alias Nictoo

Fernand Vastenaecken Alias Nictoo - WinterWinterFernand Vastenaecken Alias Nictoo

Myth Orphics 600 BC;At the beginning was Chronos (the time), which became Chaos (the infinite) and ether (the finish)...;At the time when the Night 'the goddess with black wings' wrapped the Chaos, slipped the creative action and organisator of the ether.;From this meeting emerged the Silver Oeuf (t...

Fernand Vastenaecken Alias Nictoo - Summer or EdenSummer or EdenFernand Vastenaecken Alias Nictoo

'When heaven and earth were a chaos like an egg, P'an-kou was born in it and lived there for ten eight thousand years.' Progressively, it separates the elements of the world: the earth of heaven, but also the light of darkness, the humid of the dry, the yin of the yang... which were all intimately c...

Fernand Vastenaecken Alias Nictoo - SpringSpringFernand Vastenaecken Alias Nictoo

MYTHE HINDOU 1500 BC;The Brahman, the infinite and creative divine energy, plunged a seed into the water so that it would produce creation...;This seed turned into a huge golden egg. After ripening on the surface of the water for 1000 years, this egg separated by 2 revealing the God Brahma. The latt...

Fernand Vastenaecken Alias Nictoo - FallFallFernand Vastenaecken Alias Nictoo

Polynesian myth; At the beginning was Taaroa, the One. He was his own creator and remained solitary in his shell. This shell was similar to an egg rotating in infinite space, without sky, without earth, without moon, without sun, without stars. Rugged by boredom, Taaora broke his shell making it pos...