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Valentina Chernykh Art Gallery - Valentina Chernykh Artworks

Valentina Chernykh Art Gallery - Valentina Chernykh Artworks

"Valentin Chernykh. Biography: She was born in 1984. Rostov-on-Don. 1999 - 2003 G. - pxy them. Grekov (Rostov-on-Don) City and regional scholarship in Rostov-on-Don. 2003 - 2009 G. - MGAHI. Surikov (Moscow) Participant of exhibitions in the Manege, CHA and abroad: Dortmund, Düsseldorf (1998) London (2006), Harbin (2008) Hangzhou (2009) Personal exhi"


Valentina Chernykh
Valentina Chernykh
Artworks added the
Added December 1 2012
Artworks Media
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Artworks Styles
Artworks from 1 to 20 (on 20 total)

"Russian village"

"Before a rain"




"Adam & Eva"


"Still-life with a mandoline"




"Theatrical make-up room"

"Solar island" (China)

"Patches of light"


"Sunny day"

"Krishna and Radha"



"Loneliness" (hospital)

 Valentina Chernykh Artist Painter Russia
Valentina Chernykh Artist Painter Russia
[Page - Valentina Chernykh - 1Ko - 2012]

Valentin Chernykh.
She was born in 1984. Rostov-on-Don.
1999 - 2003 G. - pxy them. Grekov (Rostov-on-Don)
City and regional scholarship in Rostov-on-Don.
2003 - 2009 G. - MGAHI. Surikov (Moscow)
Participant of exhibitions in the Manege, CHA and abroad:
Dortmund, Düsseldorf (1998)
London (2006),
Harbin (2008)
Hangzhou (2009)
Personal exhibition (Rostov-on-Don), 2000
Personal exhibition (China, Hangzhou) (by invitation from the Chinese side) 2009
Personal exhibition (Moscow) 2012
His works are in private collections in Russia and abroad.

Awards, publications, awards:
Diploma of 1st degree in social and political action "Favorite City"
Rostov-on-Don. September 21, 2002
"Certificate" that Black Valentine is a Fellow of creative scholarship governor of Rostov region. Judgment of 27/01/2003, the
Diploma level 1 in the contest of young artists "the glory of the Fatherland"
Participant of the symposium on painting "Nuclear Renaissance"
(By invitation Rosatom)
participation in the exhibition and workshop of Elena and Valentina Black. 2010
"Gold Medal" on results of Russian art exhibition "Young Artists of Russia." 2010, Moscow.

Awarding Black Valentina Gold badges VTOO "Union of Russian Artists" November 17, 2010
Help (CXP and the Department of State to support art, folk art and International Relations of the Ministry of Culture)
Black Valentine approval of the state grant in 2010 to continue the creative work 14.04.2010 № 163
Since 2012 Valentine Black is the International Union of Painters in Estonia.
Artists in the third generation.

World Map

[Biography - Valentina Chernykh - 7Ko]

  - Valentin Chernykh. Biographie: Elle est née en 1984. Rostov-sur-le-Don. 1999 - 2003 G. - pxy eux. Grekov (Rostov-on-Don) Ville de bourses d'études et régional de Rostov-sur-le-Don. 2003 - 2009 G. - MGAHI. Sourikov (Moscou) Participant d'expositions dans le Manège, CHA et à l'étranger: Dortmund, Düsseldorf (1998) Londres (2006), Harbin (2008) Hangzh...
[Biography - Valentina Chernykh - 8Ko - 2012]

  - バレンティンChernykh。 略歴: 彼女は1984年生まれ。 Rostov-on-Donの。 1999 - 2003 G. - PXYそれら。 グレコフ(Rostov-on-Donの) Rostov-on-Donの都市と地域の奨学金。 2003 - 2009 G. - MGAHI。 スリコフ(モスクワ) 馬術学校、CHAと海外での展覧会の参加者: ドルトムント、デュッセルドルフ(1998) ロンドン(2006年)、 ハルビン(2008) 杭州(2009) 個展(Rostov-on-Donの)、2000 個展(中国· 杭州)(中国側からの招待者)2009 個展(モスクワ)2012 彼の作品は、ロシアと海外の個人コレクションである。 賞、出版物、受賞歴: 社会的、政治的行動 "好...
[Biography - Valentina Chernykh - 7Ko - 2012]

  - Valentin Chernykh. Biografia: Ela nasceu em 1984. Rostov-on-Don. 1999 - 2003 G. - pxy eles. Grekov (Rostov-on-Don) Cidade e regionais bolsa de estudos em Rostov-on-Don. 2003 - 2009 G. - MGAHI. Surikov (Moscou) Participante de exposições no Manege, CHA e no exterior: Dortmund, Düsseldorf (1998) Londres (2006), Harbin (2008) Hangzhou (2009) Exposição...
[Biography - Valentina Chernykh - 8Ko - 2012]

  - 瓦倫丁切爾內赫。 簡介: 她出生於1984年。 羅斯托夫上唐。 2099至03年G. - :PXY他們。 Grekov(羅斯托夫上唐) 在Rostov-on-Don的城市和地區獎學金。 2003年 - 2009 G. - MGAHI。 蘇里科夫(莫斯科) 參加Manege,CHA國內外展覽: 多特蒙德,杜塞爾多夫展覽(1998年) 倫敦(2006年), 哈爾濱(2008) 杭州(2009年) 個人展(羅斯托夫上唐),2000年 個人展覽(中國杭州)(中國方面的邀請)2009 個人展(莫斯科)2012年 他的作品在俄羅斯和國外的私人收藏。 獎,出版物,獎項: “最喜歡的城市社會和政治行動的第一學位文憑” 羅斯托夫上唐。 2002年9月21日 “證書”黑色情人節,是一位資深的創意獎學金的羅斯托夫...
[Biography - Valentina Chernykh - 7Ko - 2012]

  - Валентина Черных. Биография: Родилась в 1984г. в г. Ростове-на-Дону. 1999 - 2003 г. - РХУ им. Грекова (г. Ростов-на-Дону) Городской и областной стипендиат г. Ростова-на-Дону. 2003 - 2009 г. - МГАХИ им. Сурикова (г. Москва) Участница выставок в Манеже, ЦДХ и за рубежом: Дортмунд, Дюссельдорф (1998г.) Лондон (2006г.) Харбин (2008) Ханчжоу (2009г.) Пе...
[Biography - Valentina Chernykh - 8Ko - 2012]

  - Valentin Chernykh. Biografía: Ella nació en 1984. Rostov-on-Don. 1999 - 2003 G. - pxy ellos. Grekov (Rostov-on-Don) Ciudad y regional de becas en Rostov-on-Don. 2003 - 2009 G. - MGAHI. Surikov (Moscú) Participante de exposiciones en el Manege, CHA y en el extranjero: Dortmund, Düsseldorf (1998) Londres (2006), Harbin (2008) Hangzhou (2009) Exposici...
[Biography - Valentina Chernykh - 8Ko - 2012]

  - Valentin Chernykh. Biografia: E 'nata nel 1984. Rostov-sul-Don. 1999 - 2003 G. - PXY loro. Grekov (Rostov-on-Don) Borsa di studio della città e regionali a Rostov-on-Don. 2003 - 2009 G. - MGAHI. Surikov (Mosca) Partecipante delle manifestazioni fieristiche nel Maneggio, CHA e all'estero: Dortmund, Düsseldorf (1998) Londra (2006), Harbin (2008) Hang...
[Biography - Valentina Chernykh - 8Ko - 2012]

  - Valentin Chernykh. Biografie: Sie wurde 1984 geboren. Rostov-on-Don. 1999 - 2003 G. - pxy sie. Grekov (Rostov-on-Don) Stadt-und Regionalplanung Stipendium in Rostov-on-Don. 2003 - 2009 G. - MGAHI. Surikow (Moskau) Teilnehmer von Ausstellungen in der Manege, CHA-und Ausland: Dortmund, Düsseldorf (1998) London (2006), Harbin (2008) Hangzhou (2009) Pe...
[Biography - Valentina Chernykh - 8Ko - 2012]

Valentina Chernykh's Guestbook

(Lidia, 30 December 2012)