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Peintre Encauste Art Gallery - Peintre Encauste Artworks

Peintre Encauste Art Gallery - Peintre Encauste Artworks

"Painting with wax or painting with encaustic, pigment colors and hot beeswax fusion, is a technique of oldest. Already practiced in Antiquity, painting with wax remained a privileged pictorial vehicle of th e artists of the Average Age and Rebirth. Painters of th e 18th century, like Bachelier, gave it to the style of the day and it is of their “re"

Peintre Encauste
Peintre Encauste
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Added September 29 2012
Added April 1 2012
Added March 31 2012
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" Effervescence "

" Outbreak "

Painting with wax or painting with encaustic, pigment colors and hot beeswax fusion, is a technique of oldest.

Already practiced in Antiquity, painting with wax remained a privileged pictorial vehicle of the artists of the Average Age and Rebirth.

Painters of the 18th century, like Bachelier, gave it to the style of the day and it is of their “receipts” that the encaustes are inspired by today (Avy, Johns, Bleckner, Paladino…).

In spite of the difficulties of handling which it implies (work with 80, even with 100), this technique present of the advantages that no other medium can offer to a Creator

the wax dries instantaneously, but authorizes the repentance;

it is put up with the inclusion of various materials;

it supports moisture and ambient beat, even extreme;

it isolates and prevents the oxidation of the pigments, thus ensuring an unequalled
perennially of the colors.

Sensitized very young person with ail forma of artistic expression, under the teaching of Rudolf Steiner, I was allured by this process which enables me to leave free course with my creative imagination and also, and especially, to divide a little myself

Martine HENNER Peintre Encauste
[Biography - Peintre Encauste - 3Ko]

  - Pintar con cera o pintura encáustica, cera de abeja fundida en caliente y los colores pigmento, una técnica es la más antigua. Ya se practica en los tiempos antiguos, la pintura de cera sigue siendo un vehículo privilegiado de los artistas pictóricos de la Edad Media y el Renacimiento. Pintores del siglo 18, como Bachelier, reducciones de fuentes h...
[Biography - Peintre Encauste - 3Ko - 2012]

  - Malen mit Wachs oder Enkaustik-Malerei, Hot-Melt Bienenwachs und Pigmentfarben, ist eine Technik, die älteste. Schon in der Antike praktiziert, blieb Wachsmalerei eine privilegierte Fahrzeug des bildnerischen Künstler des Mittelalters und der Renaissance. Maler des 18. Jahrhunderts, als Bachelier, Font Rabatt auf den neuesten Stand und was ist ihr ...
[Biography - Peintre Encauste - 3Ko - 2012]

  - La peinture à la cire ou peinture à l'encaustique, fusion à chaud de cire d'abeille et de couleurs pigmentaires, est une technique des plus anciennes. D éjà pratiquée dans l'Antiquité, la peinture à la cire est restée un véhicule pictural privilégié des artistes du Moyen Age et de la Renaissance. Des peintres du 18 e si ècle, comme Bachelier, Font ...
[Biography - Peintre Encauste - 4Ko - 2012]