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Dino Magnificent Bakic Art Gallery - Dino Magnificent Bakic Artworks

Dino Magnificent Bakic Art Gallery - Dino Magnificent Bakic Artworks

"Dino Bakić was born in Split in 1973. In his native town he finished the art school of graphic design. The true admirer of the expressive colour we met through the project '' DINMäR SERBäK'', after which follow his group exhibitions and one-man shows. His paintings are personal , but in their secret spaces, which sometimes seem familiar , the unexp"

Dino Magnificent Bakic
Dino Magnificent Bakic
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Added October 5 2020
Added May 21 2010
Added May 20 2010
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Dino Bakić was born in Split in 1973. In his native town he finished the art school of graphic design. The true admirer of the expressive colour we met through the project '' DINMÄR SERBÄK'', after which follow his group exhibitions and one-man shows. His paintings are personal , but in their secret spaces, which sometimes seem familiar , the unexpressed feelings , adventures, intimacy are called…and also the one, who with his look, and his touch dips into the rich, densely oil painted with the strong lines of Dino's hand.

Dino Bakić rođen je u Splitu 1973. godine. U rodnom gradu završava grafički dizajn. Istinskog zaljubljenika ekspresivnog kolorita upoznali smo u projektu '' DINMÄR SERBÄK'' iza kojeg slijede skupne i samostalne izložbe. Slike su mu sasvim osobne, ali u njihovim tajanstvenim prostorima , koji se ponekad čine poznati dozivaju se još neizrečeni osjećaji, doživljaji, intimnosti… i onoga koji pogledom i gotovo dodirom uranja u site, guste boje nanešene snažnim potezima Dinove ruke.

Dino Bakić wurde im Jahre 1973 in Split geboren. In seiner Geburtsstadt schliess er die Mittelschule für Graphikdesigner ab. Den in das expressive Kolorit verliebten Dino haben wir durch das Projekt ''DINMÄR SERBÄK'' kennengelernt, nach dem gemeinsame und selbstständige Ausstellungen folgten. Seine Gemälde sind ganz persönlich ,aber in ihren Geheimräumen ,die manchmal bekannt zu sein scheinen, werden noch unausgesprochene Gefühle, Erlebnisse und die Innigheit gerufen. Und zugleich derjenige , der durch seinen Blick und seine Berührung in die kleinen , dichten Farben eintaucht, die mit kräftigen Strichen von Dinos Hand gemalt wurden.

Dino Bakić né en 1973 `a Split. Baccalauréat des Beaux-Arts. Ce passioné d'un coloris expressif s'est présanté pour la premiére fois á ''DINMÄR SERBÄK'', un projet artistique suivi des expositions collectives et individuelles. Ses tableaux sont trés personnelles et d'un caractére particulier. Dans leurs espaces tantôt mystérieux , tantôt familiers, y surgissent des sentiments ineffables , des expériences, une certaine intimité…une imagerie remplie de couleurs fortes et épaisses, un foisonnement de touches fervantes du pinceau de Dino finissant ainsi par exploser en une véritable fěte des yeaux. Devant leur beauté presque tactile on a envie de pénétrer plus avant dans son univers.

Dino Bakić nato a Spalato nel 1973 dove frequenta e compie la Scuola del disegno grafico. Lo conosciamo dal progetto ''DINMÄR SERBÄK'' dove si presenta come un verace innamorato del colorito espressionistico. Dopo questo progetto seguono le sue esposizioni collettive ed autonome. Le sue immagini sono del tutto personali, ma a volte, nei loro spazi segreti che ci sembrano da qualche luogo noti, si evocano gli sentimenti ancora non pronunciati, le avventure, le intimitá,…anche a quello che con lo sguardo e quasi con il tocco, immerge nei colori sazi e densi, ammassati con i tratti forti della mano di Dino.

[Biography - Dino Magnificent Bakic - 5Ko]